Ki/Qi Science

In Chinese, Qi means “Energy or Air” and gong means “work or refinement”. Put together “Qigong” is the most generic term for working with and refining human energy. Ki is the Japanese pronunciation of Qi. The Japanese do not add the “gong” character when they talk about Ki. The character Ki is found in both AiKido and ReiKi. Tai Chi and Kung Fu are both considered kinds of Qigong. There are also thousands of different kinds of specialized Qigong. The Indians use the term Prana for the same purpose. The most common applications of Qigong are Martial Arts and Healing. In China, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a $25 Billion business. Qigong is one of the main components of TCM.

One interesting Qigong study had Qigong healers project healing energy at Petri dishes that had been exposed to radiation. Typically 50% of the cells in the Petri dishes die within 24 hours under this condition. Qi healing was projected in three different ways both locally and remotely at the Petri dishes. This included 1) before the radiation, 2) after the radiation, and 3) before and after the radiation. The control cells survived at a 50% rate as expected, the after radiation cells survived at a 70% rate, the before radiation cells survived at an 80% rate, while the before and after cells had an 88% survival rate. The researcher wanted to get the survival rate high, so he thought of trying Karma along with the before and after Qi energy projection. He had his team make donations on behalf of the Petri dishes and upped the survival rate to 96%.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on a model of energy flow in and around the body. In particular, TCM focuses on meridians that flow through the body. Recent research has correlated the meridians and associated acupuncture points with the Primo Vascular System (, which is a system of micro-tubulars that run through all of our bodies. No research, including both Eastern and Western medicine, can be truly considered conclusive. Thus, no medical or health claims are being made.

Some recent preliminary research suggests that energy flow through the meridians is fostered in increasing levels of strength via the following six techniques: acupressure, acupuncture, electromagnetic stimulation, sound, lasers, and most strongly Ki/QI. Other preliminary research suggests: that oxygen pressure is higher at the acupuncture points than at other points around the body; that oxygen runs along the Primo Vascular System to the organs; and that cells for specific organs are created within the Primo Vascular System for specific organs.

Many diverse energy Practitioners have been using wands and similar energy devices to: stimulate acupuncture points and meridians, as well as for moving energy in and out of the body for numerous years. As TCM goes back thousands of years, in this case numerous means thousands.

While what this energy flow is, is still an open research question, there is some evidence that the energy flow is based on mechanisms below the particle level. While a large number of physicists are working with theories oriented around quarks and strings, others are focused on alternative models that use etherons or other systems where particle can take on properties of more varied spin and shape. String theory, in particular, has so far shown zero predictive results, whereas these alternative models have born out numerous predictive results, Shipov (, and Laviolette ( Other physicists have correlated energy flow with the more varied spin and shape mechanisms of these alternative physics models.

Meta-Level Science

In-depth discussion of some of the Physics associated with Ki/Qi can be found in the following videos:

Meta-Level Science Introduction

Meta-Level Science - Entropy

Meta-Level Science - Energy

Meta-Level Science - Sub-Particles

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